As managers, we tend to discuss in great detail the many different aspects and responsibilities of our job. What we don't tend to discuss that often is the relationships we have with our staff and how we maintain these.
I believe in leading with love and kindness, I take pride in that, especially in a world that, at times, can be harsh and demanding.
Maybe it’s the fact that I have been a stylist for many years gives me a different perspective on how I engage with my staff and I believe gives me that edge as a Manager and insight knowledge.Setting clear expectations and specific boundaries with your staff is imperative.
I have met and become friends with so many during the lifetime of my career.
We have been through weddings, baby showers, and break-ups to mention a few. Achieving that balance of management/employee/friend role can be the tricky part. I believe you will rarely face a problem if the staff respect you. And if a problem arises then I believe you must have that private conversation straight off. Give them the opportunity to discuss what’s bothering them and why and how you can support them. If after this the problem persists, it could be that they are simply just not the right fit within your business but I would try my upmost to get through any situation.
How do you maintain that respect?
You do what you say and say what you do! You support your staff in every aspect and they will support you. You ensure you have regular 1-1 meetings and team meetings and these are classed as high importance in your diary.
Think about it, if a member of your staff is going through a hard time at home such as a sickness within the family, you know it’s going to affect their work life. You want them to be as focused as possible when at work although you don’t expect or want anyone to have to choose between coming to work or staying at home to help their family.
I genuinely love and respect my staff and it shows. I am kind and understanding. I will help them with anything pertaining to work and their private life. I will support them when they are feeling down and help to find the solution needed.
I want everyone to come to work, even if they are not “feeling it” that day, and they will come, you know why? Because they know I will support them, they know that I will give them the tools they need to have a better day and by the end of the day, things always work out.
No one has ever mistaken my kindness for weakness within the salon.
Remember, you can be an amazing, productive, successful manager and still have a beautiful relationship with your staff.