October 2021 has been the month of reconnection and meeting with people that not only warmed my heart but also made me reflect on the past couple of years.
Having delivered various public speaking for the first time in ages, made me realised how much I had missed it and the power of face to face connections is never to be underestimated. It’s been a month full of emotions, packed with empowerment and focus so I felt it is was time to put my thoughts in paper as I do once in a while.
We are now in the busiest time of the year which can be challenging in many aspects but most of all, as we stand, I am meeting with various owners that are feeling overwhelmed, unfocused or simply working in a reactive mode. Recruitment is a challenge; financial burden starts creeping in and the margins that were already slim in the first place are getting more and more difficult to control.
As a leader of your business, reflection is key for your growth and to build the future you truly want. It is time to revisit your efforts by recentering yourself and feel empowered to carry on the chosen path, or even choose a different one in order to generate a professional and personal growth. The fact is that there is always a solution to a problem, and you are that solution, the why you are doing what you are doing. The how will come by creating a strategy that will drive you for years to come.
The first thing I would like you to do is celebrate your wins. Too often we are focused on what is challenging rather than what we have built, achieved or even what we are currently creating. Write down a list of everything you have accomplished, you have overcome, and you are working on. Be proud, be focused and be certain that you are where you are at for a reason, and that reason is enough. By celebrating the wins, you will not only become more assertive in your decision making but also change your mindset which in time, will become more solution finding rather than problem focused. The way you are talking to yourself is key to your growth and for 2022 and I want you to work on that, which means, stopping that comparison with everyone else or even using words such as “I should have, I could have, I have to, I didn’t, I need” and start thinking more along the lines of: ”What is the challenge and what are my solutions at this point in time”. By focusing on what works and revisit what doesn’t to tweak it for the better, you will find that everything becomes lighter and your mindset is protected.
Secondly, becoming pro-active in your business is key, but how? It’s easy to have a vision that is bigger than you but are you truly believing in it? Are you writing down the same vision for the past 5 years and most of it hasn’t even materialised?
Dream big, start small should become your motto. Strategise your vision per year, per quarter, per month and give yourself time to achieve that vision. Small steps make a big one in the long run. It is crucial that you feel empowered by your vision and believe in it, so if you don’t or it’s not resonating with you, maybe it’s the wrong vision, maybe your focus is all over the place, it’s time to work differently so you can start feeling better in everything that you do. Ask yourself some serious questions about the way you work and give yourself the tools to achieve what you truly want. Coaching and mentoring are great for that, taking time out to assess every aspect of your business is so powerful and building that vision that excites you is crucial to build your future.
Lastly, I believe that the key to be successful in your business is to create a structure that suits you rather than you are suiting the structure. A system isn’t a system if it relies on 1 person. Revisiting your structure, creating procedures and not being afraid of changing the way you work will allow you to grow differently and better, will allow you to feel motivated and refocused. Work the way it resonates with you and if it means you want to have 4 days admin to grow the business, then put the wheels in motions so that can happen. Everything is possible if you are doing it with calculated risks, and for that, a budget and forecast is the only key to make business decisions rather than emotional ones. Structure, systems and finances will be your best friend for your future but remember that no structure happens overnight. It is a process and processes take time, give yourself that time to grow. That’s why I love individual coaching so much as I can see the growth of my clients from the first time I met them to what they are doing now. “When there is a will there is a way” or “whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can’t you are right” are 2 incredible mindset quotes that I live by.
My reflection on the past month is that by empowering others, I feel empowered, that if we can simply become the leader of our business rather than the victim of it, we will find that our work-life balance can happen in ways you never thought was possible, you will find that the cashflow can be built in a way that it works for you even though less money is coming through the business as we work on the costs. Creating solid foundations allow your dream to flourish. Chipping away at your vision, quarter per quarter will become second nature and being flexible enough to overcome the challenges will make you reflect rather than deflate you. I have also met a lot of leaders on a burnt-out mode since the pandemic, and if you are one of those, simply pick up the phone or email us, we can help you with the steps necessary to support your growth and get you out of that pattern. Business audits and one to one coaching will truly make a difference to your future and your mental health. No commitment, just a friendly chat to let you know how we work, I want to tell you that you are not alone.
In the meantime, I just want to thank you for reading, I am truly grateful of all of the encounters that I have made since becoming a consultant 8 years ago. Having a hub of expert was in my vision, it’s now happening, and I am so proud of being able to support as many leaders as possible in various aspects of their needs.
“Futureproof your business” was created with you in mind, I hope it hit some notes for you to start thinking of what to focus on next.
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