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Recognising when things are going well

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

Hey everyone,

One of the many areas of expertise that we have here at the Delforge Group, is how to help resolve problems with staff members.

Depending on the severity of the problem, this can often be a really stressful time for managers and owners, and the way in which employment law has developed over the years means that you need to pay meticulous attention to the detail of established rules and processes governing staff management – as well as ensuring that YOUR approach to any given situation is covered within your staff’s contract of employment or staff handbook (and as something of a soft sell here, if you need guidance, the Delforge Group is here to help you be confident that your processes and documentation are spot on….).

But in my many years of people management (and I’ve now worked across the public sector, professional sport environment and the private sector) one of the consistent things that I see is that when teams are in a really good place – when things are progressing smoothly, people are happy and work is being done well – it’s not that usual for people to stand back, appreciate it, and as managers try and assess exactly why things are going so well, and – as leaders – let your people know that you’re all in a really good place.

We’re all very conscious about the times when we’re stressed or when things aren’t quite working out, but often we allow good times to pass by unnoticed. This is a real shame as these are the times to celebrate, to shine a spotlight on – so next time when you find that you and your team is in a sweet spot, tell them.

We’ve been talking a lot about wellness lately, and a great way to help boost a team’s wellness is to help them recognise that they are in a good place; that they are working well and that their working environment is a happy, successful place to be. Whether it’s before the start of a busy day, or at a team meeting, or on a night out when you’re all together, tell them something like this, “In the modern working life it’s not that often that things all come together near-perfectly, but this is one of those times. We’re working really well together, our salon is a happy place to be, and this is one of the best times of my working life. And that’s down to each and every one of us. So, let’s all remember these as happy times, let’s keep it going, but most importantly, thank you – these are great times so let’s enjoy them”.

I bet you – I absolutely bet you – that at least some of your people will find it all rather emotional…..

Of course, as managers, if you’re able to assess and analyse exactly why things are going so well, that’s incredibly useful information for you to have going forward, but whether or not you can identify the reason why, never, ever underestimate the power of a good leader saying good things to a good team.

Recognise when things are going well, and make sure your staff recognise it too. Pick your time, think about your words and I guarantee you, you’ll enthuse and inspire your people.

Try it :-)

Well, that’s it for today – thanks all! See you next time.


Head of Personnel – The Delforge Group

Here at the Delforge Group you will find a subject matter expert to help you, no matter what your query. If you’d like to speak further about any of the issues raised in today’s blog, or indeed anything else, you can find our contact details here.

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