I find that the only constant we have in business is change and to accept that and the importance of leadership is crucial in order for it not to eat away at you personally and affect your growth professionally.
When I knew it was time for me to take a step back in order for my growth to flourish I promoted one of my team to be the manager, one that had shown great potential within the business as a therapist and who I felt would look at the business through the same kind of eyes I did.
The journey then began, and it was a learning curve for us both, it taught me not only the value of strong leadership but also the importance of fostering growth in those around me and pulling together a team of leaders with me at the helm.
The Power of Self-Assessment
I had to take time to self-assess my leadership skills at this point, to ensure the transition of my position and those within the team including the manager were as impactful and seamless as possible. By evaluating my strengths, weaknesses, and areas where I needed to improve then helped me to support my manager in her journey and how to do this in her new role also.
Before bringing on my manager, I knew that I had been so caught up in the day-to-day operations that I had neglected my leadership. I was making decisions, but I wasn't reflecting on whether those decisions were the best for the team or the business in the long term. It was only when I took the time to evaluate my leadership that I understood the need for change.
The Transformation: Hiring a New Manager
Initially, the decision to promote my manager was not an easy one. Mainly due to the level of control I felt I needed and letting go of this was not easy. It required me to acknowledge that I couldn't do everything on my own and that my business would benefit from looking at it from the outside in. When I finally made the decision, the impact was almost immediate.
My manager brought a level of energy, proactiveness and drive which was wonderful to see. She effectively managed the team and the burden of work on a day-to-day level from me.
Leadership is not about holding onto power or control but about empowering others to lead, fostering their growth and not being afraid to let them take the reins - of course with weekly/monthly meetings involved!
Why You Should Assess Your Leadership Skills

The changes I witnessed in my business after promoting my manager were a direct result of my own self-assessment and a commitment to the growth of the business. I encourage you to take a step back and evaluate your own leadership skills. Ask yourself: Are you empowering your team? Are you open to new ideas? Are you fostering a culture of growth?
Our new Refine Your Leadership Free Download can help you evaluate and improve your leadership skills, ideal for owners and managers who want practical growth through self-reflection and team feedback.