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The power of understanding leadership

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

I always say I fell into owning my own business as I am sure most people in my position have also done and it’s what I hear time and time again. Working in the industry and either deciding as a therapist working for a company that you want to do your own thing or starting alone and then outgrowing yourself and so the journey begins with employing your first member of staff.

Everything seems simple at first, you're still doing your clients and maybe have one other person working alongside you and all is fairly easy. And then you grow some more….. it just happens! As fantastic as it is and more often than not, until you get to the moment where you suddenly need a system or a procedure in place, either a member of staff is proving difficult or something has happened within your business and nobody quite knows how to deal with it, do you then realise that there's more to do here!

A system is not a system if it relies on one person and so be it a structure is formed to ensure each and every area of the business has a system and a procedure in place. Suddenly you realise you need to become a leader, a nurturer and to take time out to ensure you can grow and develop your business in the way you dream of, even though maybe it has never been in the plan (if there was a plan!).

To be a powerful leader in my eyes, you need a clear vision and understanding of what it is you need to do, you need to understand what your business really looks like in the form of an audit and a budget and you need to be a strong communicator and know how to deal with your staff, how to encourage and motivate them, grow them and develop them whilst continually doing it for yourself also.

You need to delegate and come to an understanding with yourself that you can’t be in control of everything but that if you develop a strong and formidable team and take the time to input solid structure and processes then the business will run itself giving you the freedom to embark on other projects or simply take a holiday!

We have recently launched our highly awaited Ultimate Leadership Course which can be taken online and studied in your own time, this will give you all the tools and knowledge you will need to step out of the manager/therapist role and into a growth leadership role.

Alternatively if you prefer one to one coaching then Valerie and I can take you on that journey to develop everything you need in order to achieve your goals and have the freedom to grow.

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