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Welcome to our New Online Course

Valerie and I continually aim to develop our offering at The Delforge Group and strive to keep up with the ever-changing industry and the effect that has on the owners and teams. 

This means the content we deliver to our clients needs to adjust and align with what is needed.

What we see right now in the industry is two very clear types of owners. Ones that are struggling, finding the cash flow tight, finding the client visits down and questioning if they really want to continue and those that are Thriving, seeing numbers they have never done before but are overwhelmed with what this means for the day-to-day operation and job list. Both owners need guidance on where to go and what to do next. With that in mind, we have initially launched our course for struggling owners to answer the needs of time-poor and financially tight business owners who are still looking for that 1-1 coaching.

STRUGGLING - This course focuses on 5 strategic steps in which to breathe and work through productively the plan:

1. Different perspective

2. Understanding your numbers better 

3. Stay in your lane

4. Focusing on opportunities

5. Having a plan that talks to you 

How does an online course work?

This course is split into 5 parts and each part is accompanied by a video of myself and Valerie, talking you through the section and the thought process behind it. To accompany this there are downloads which you will complete/update as we go through so we are doing the course side by side. In addition, we are always contactable throughout your course so you can discuss anything that may come up throughout. 

Ultimately carrying out a course this way means firstly it is cost-effective to you with the feeling of 1-1 coaching and secondly it may be more time conducive as you can do any time of day or night. 

Find out more about the course here.

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